Who wouldn't appreciate a welcoming entry minus the glare of ordinary lighting to greet us after a long day of work$%:
How about a fully illuminated workplace in the kitchen to make tasks easier to accomplish and just about the right lighting at the dinner table$%:
And would you like a relaxing bedroom atmosphere to lull you to sleep or set a romantic ambiance after an extremely tiring day$%:
All these and much more can be achieved with the perfect lighting and with just a single flick of a switch!
Lighting systems have indeed come a long, long way! Contemporary lighting systems marvelously do more than just illuminate our homes. They can be tailor-fitted to match our every mood! What was originally invented to provide efficient and hassle-free lighting can now be programmed to provide our homes with the right tone to suit the occasion.
Thankfully, we don't need to run around the house and toggle switches just to achieve the perfect atmosphere we need. The advent of automated lighting systems can instantly do it for us! Automated systems are mostly controlled by microprocessors making them very easy to set, adjust and operate. Some of the more popular brands are produced by reputable companies such as Lutron, Leviton, Lightolier, SMART LLC and X10 Pro, to name a few.
Modern automated lighting systems may range from the simple to the sophisticated but they all share one great feature. They all have the ability to create pleasing effects which are achieved by either dimming or brightening lighting fixtures. Some systems even afford you hassle-free operation by requiring just a push of a button to adjust the lighting scene to your liking.
Automated lighting systems can help you avoid a cluttered look. A 3,000 square foot home may require approximately 30 ordinary light switches. However, with the installation of a lighting control system, dozens of these switches can be consolidated in a single sleek keypad.
And installing the system is a breeze! Even an average do-it-yourself enthusiast can do the job well. The simplest systems (commonly called the X-10 or powerline carrier system) only require the plugging of a few small boxes (modules and controllers) into standard electrical wall outlets and then wiring in smart wall switches in lieu of conventional ones.
These lighting systems do more than increase your home's aesthetic values. They actually allow you to save on energy and considerably reduce your electric bills. Wow! This is a definite savings in your checkbook!
How do automated lighting systems do this$%: This one's really simple.
For example, you set the lights in your kitchen to give full intensity while maintaining a lower illumination at the dining table. When the dining table will later be used for other purposes such as for organizing bills, then you can set it to give out a brighter light. The same goes for all other areas (and lighting fixtures) in your home. Less light means less energy consumption. Therefore, lower monthly electricity bills!
These can also give you an added sense of security. Let's say for example that the whole family is going away for a long weekend. You can set the system to create the illusion that someone is at the house when there actually is no one there. Lights can be automatically programmed to turn on and off at designated times to mimic natural situations. What a smart way to keep potential intruders at bay!